Sunday, 5 January 2014

A Very Special Delivery...

Yesterday morning Mr. Postman knocked on my door and although I was dressed in my pink Christmas onesie, I answered. All embarrassment disappeared as I noticed the very exciting Debenhams package he was carrying and a cheesy grin took place on my face as I thanked him multiple times. He looked very confused. He wouldn't understand.

So the reason for my happiness is that something very exciting was inside. After taking off TWO bags and bubble wrap I finally made it to this box...

Eeeeee! I'm so glad this finally arrived! I opened the box for the first time and I wasn't disappointed.

The packaging is gorgeous as always, sturdy and beautifully coloured.

The palette inside almost made me swoon.
Colours from Left to Right:

My personal favourites? Buzz, Dust and Blackheart.

There's a lovely double ended brush included as well - Shadow (already used) and Crease!

But there was one more thing left in the box...

Four samples of their Eyeshadow Primer Potions. The Original one is a simple, invisible primer. The next one, Eden, is a nude colour. Sin is a shimmering formula for a spot of extra colour. And finally, Anti-Aging, which Primes and improves skin, according to studies. Each sample is supposed to last for a week, so this contains a month's worth of Primer Potion!

Overall, this is a simply stunning product and a great addition to the Naked collection. If you loved the others, I recommend getting your hands on this!

Have you tried anything from the Naked range?


Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post!

Friday, 3 January 2014

Current LUSH Collection

Hi guys! Thought I'd fill you in on all the products I currently own from the wonderful world of LUSH. I must say I am not showing off in any way at all, all of these were gifts either from Christmas or from people who do not use them. Hope you enjoy it!

So this is everything I've got laid out all pretty for you. Here they all are in more detail.

(Left) Magic Wand bubble bar
(Right) The Comforter bubble bar

(Left) Golden Wonder bath bomb (full review here)
(Right) Candy Mountain bubble bar

(Left) Big Blue bath bomb
(Right) Avobath bath bomb

(Left) Blackberry bath bomb
(Right) Butterball bath bomb

(Left) Karma bubble bar
(Right) Unknown

Snow Fairy shower gel

(Left) Candy Mountain bubble bar
(Right) Father Christmas Bath Bomb

That's all folks! Hope you enjoyed it. What else should I try from LUSH? Have you got any views/favourites?


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2013; Happy New Year

Happy new year wonderful people! 2013 has gone past way too quickly for my liking!

It has been an amazing year. I'm trying to find something to sum it up with but there is no one sentence I could write to explain to you just how good this year has been.

This year I've had the opportunity to travel to many great and new places. Starting off with London, which is a yearly tradition, but I managed to make that much yearned for trip to Westfield a reality. I got the chance to see more parts of London that I had never seen before, as well as the typical tourist destinations we visit every year.

I also went camping numerous times in Brean on the West coast of England, where I had great fun learning to ride my neon pink Pennyboard. I got to visit the theme park too, which I enjoyed a lot as the adrenaline rush is something I love!

On the topic of theme parks, my school took us to Alton Towers for a day in the summer. It was an amazing day, I will definitely go back to there!

Now we get to my summer holiday - Turkey. It's so surreal to think that I was literally in paradise for two weeks of my life, it was absolutely perfect. I can't wait to return this year.

I also got to see a few of my favourite bands live - One Direction, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Lawson, Room 94 and McFly. I'm excited for even more live events this year!

I also met so many great people this year and I am so thankful for them coming into my life, I would be in a completely different place without them and definitely not as happy as I am now. I've made some great memories and I plan to make many more this year.

Here's a few photos to brighten up this post a little.

Here's to 2014 and another chance to get it right!
Niamh xx